Friday, July 26, 2024

Does Medicare Automatically Send You A Card

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Does Social Security Automatically Enroll You In Medicare

Medicare Advantage Plans Explained (2022)

David Bolton

If you are receiving Social Security benefits, you may also wonder about medical coverage. Do you have to sign up or are you already enrolled in Medicare?

It is important to know the distinction between Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B. In addition, you probably want to know the different circumstances that will enroll you and when you will have to sign up.

If you are receiving Social Security benefits at least 4 months before you turn 65, then you will automatically be enrolled in Medicare Part A and B. If you do not receive Social Security benefits at least 4 months before you turn 65, you will need to sign up.

The information in this article comes from and Deciding to receive both Medicare Part A and Part B is an important financial decision so even though the information in this article is accurate, you should always consult with your financial advisor before making the decision.

Who Is Responsible For Your Parentsmedical Bills After They Die

In most cases, only the estate is responsible for your parents medical bills after theyve died. In very rare instances will you need to cover these expenses yourself. If youre the executor of your parents estate, it is up to you to pay these medical expenses with funds from your parents liquid cash and assets.

Medicare & Social Security Disability Benefits

We have mostly discussed thebasics of Medicare as it relates to retirees and Social Security retirement benefits. However, you can also qualify for Medicare when you receive Social Security disability insurance benefits from the Social Security Administration . When receiving disability benefits, you will be automatically enrolled in Medicare once you have received disability benefits for a 24-month period. There is a 24-month waiting period before your Medicare benefits begin. However, that waiting period does not apply to some individuals with certain conditions.

If you have been diagnosed with end-stage renal disease , you will qualify for Medicare benefits right away. Similarly, those with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrigs disease will be eligible for immediate Medicare benefits. These diagnoses will qualify you for immediate benefits, but you must still apply for the benefits. You will not be automatically enrolled in coverage. You can contact your local Social Security office or Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services office to apply for coverage. You can alsoapply for Medicare online through, or you can call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213.

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Im Working Past 65 But My Health Coverage Is From My Spouses Employer

A pretty common situation to face, if your health care coverage is from a spouses employer, you may be able to delay Medicare or you may need to enroll when you first become eligible. In this case, the employer still needs to have 20 or more employees. However, the big difference is that employers can have rules for covered dependents 65 and older that may require the individual to get Medicare at 65 in order to remain on the employer plan.

Therefore, if you have employer coverage through a spouses employer, you need to ask the employers benefits administrator directly about your Medicare enrollment choices.

When Should You Carry Your Medicare Card

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Its a good idea to carry your Medicare card with you whenever youre away from home. You will need to show it to doctors, hospital staff and other healthcare providers whenever you are seeking care.1

If you dont want to bring it with you to a health appointment, you can call ahead and ask the doctors office if theyll need a copy of the card.

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What If You Worked 10 Years Or Less

Most people will qualify for coverage by paying Medicare and Social Security taxes for 10 years through any combination of employers. Youll need to have spent 10 years doing taxable work to enroll in Medicare Part A for free. If youve worked for less than 10 years in the US, youll need to pay monthly premiums for Medicare Part A.

However, if your spouse who is 62 or older has enough quarterly credits or receives Social Security benefits, then youll still qualify. You may also be able to qualify based on your spouses work record if youre widowed or divorced.

What Does A Medicare Card Look Like

Your Medicare card is red, white, and blue, and it contains your name and your Medicare ID number. Note that your card will not contain your or your spouses Social Security Number this change was implemented ato help keep that important detail under wraps.

Your Medicare card will indicate whether you have Medicare Part A, Medicare Part B, or both. Finally, your Medicare card will note the date when your health coverage began. You may be surprised to see that your Medicare card is paper, not plastic. Paper cards are easier for providers to copy, which is why Medicare made the switch.

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How Long Does It Take For A Medicare Application To Be Approved

Once your application has been reviewed, you should receive a letter in the mail to confirm whether youve been enrolled in the program or not. If your application has been denied, the letter will explain why this decision was made and what to do next.

If your application has been approved, youll receive a red, white, and blue Medicare card in the mail. Your card will show your name, Medicare number, which Medicare plans you benefit from, and the start dates for each plan.

Youll receive your card within about 3 weeks from the date you apply for Medicare. You should carry your card with you whenever youre away from home.

You can sign in to your account if you need to print a replacement card.

Can You Still See Your Doctor If You Lose Your Card

Medicare Coverage and Payment of Virtual Services

You should be able to. If your doctors office has a recent copy of your Medicare card, they may already have your Medicare information on file. Many health practices update their records annually and may ask for your card.

Sometimes doctors can look up your Medicare information without requiring your card if they have access to the Medicare Administrative Contractor portal. Youll need to provide your full legal name, birthday and SSN.7

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Medicare Faqs And Information To Consider

Automatic Enrollment:

If you are already receiving Social Security benefits, Railroad Retirement benefits, or Federal Retiree benefits, your enrollment in Medicare is automatic. Your Medicare card should arrive in the mail shortly before your 65th birthday. Check the card when you receive it to verify that you are entitled to both Medicare Parts A and B.

Initial Enrollment Period:

If you are not eligible for Automatic Enrollment, contact the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213 or enroll online at, or visit the nearest Social Security office to enroll in Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B. You have a seven month window in which to enroll in Medicare without incurring a penalty. If youre not automatically enrolled in premium-free Part A, you can sign up for it once your Initial Enrollment Period starts. Your Part A coverage will start six months back from the date you apply for Medicare, but no earlier than the first month you were eligible for Medicare. However, you can only sign up for Part B during the times listed below.

General Enrollment Period:

  • General Enrollment Period for Medicare Parts A & B

If you have coverage through a current employer, you are not required to enroll in Medicare Part A and B. Below are some things to keep in mind about each part of Medicare.

When To Sign Up For Medicare Part B

If youre retiring, the best time to enroll in Part B is during your Initial Enrollment Period. For those still working past 65, check with your health administrators whether your employer coverage is creditable.

If it is, you can enroll in Part B when you retire or leave your group health plan. Youll be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period when you can enroll without any penalties. If your group health plan is not considered creditable coverage, then you should register for Part B during your Initial Enrollment Period.

If you missed your Initial Enrollment Period, the next enrollment window you can enroll in Part A and Part B is the General Enrollment Period.

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What If I Lose My Medicare Card

If you need to replace a lost or damaged Medicare ID card, request one online or call the phone number listed above. Your new card should arrive in the mail in about 30 days.

If you live outside the United States and its territories, contact the nearest U.S. Social Security Insurance office, U.S. Embassy or consulate, or the Veterans Affairs Regional Office in the Philippines.

Pay Using A Debit Card

Medicare Card Image

Paying your Medicare premium using a debit card is essentially the same as using a credit card. You must have a Medicare account to pay by debit card online. If youre mailing your bill, youll need to provide the debit card number, the expiration date on your debit card, and the billing zip code. Once the payment is successful, your debit card statement will show a payment made to CMS Medicare.

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B Automatically Deducted From Social Security

By Shauneen Sullivan

Does Social Security deduct Medicare Part B premiums from your benefit check? The answer is yes.

If you receive benefits from Social Security, Railroad Retirement Board , or Office of Personnel Management , then your Part B premium will be deducted from your benefit payment. It will come out of your check every month starting with your Part B effective month.

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How Do I Know Im Enrolled In Medicare

After you apply for Medicare, Social Security will review and process your application. Theyll contact you if they need more information.

When youre approved for Medicare Part A and/or Part B, Social Security will send you a welcome packet that includes the following:

  • Your confirmation letter
  • Your red, white and blue Medicare ID card
  • A Welcome to Medicare booklet that walks you through decisions you may have to make with your Medicare coverage
  • The Medicare & You handbook

If youve applied for a private Medicare plan such as a Medicare Advantage, Medicare Cost, Medigap or Medicare Prescription Drug plan, when your enrollment is accepted youll get a separate confirmation letter and ID card.

Medicare helps pay for your health care costs and covers preventive care including a visit with your doctor each year. So once you get Medicare Part B, schedule your initial Welcome to Medicare visit with your doctor. And each year you get an Annual Wellness Visit with your doctor.

For more helpful tips, review this checklist, how to use Medicare your first year.

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Does Your Medicare Card Arrive In The Mail When You Turn 65

Hello Toni:

I turned 65 in December and have not received my Medicare card. I am working full- time with company benefits and not taking my social security check. A co-worker said I should have already received my card because her parents did at 65. Do I call Medicare or what to enroll? Do I have to be receiving my Social Security check to get Medicare? Can you please explain what I should do?

Thanks, Janie, Longview, TX

I have good news for you because your Medicare situation is fine! You are working full-time with company insurance. You are not receiving your Social Security check yet, so your Medicare card would not come automatically. When you decide to retire and are no longer under your or your spouses employer health insurance is when you need to apply for Medicare. This is one of the main topics during a Toni Says Medicare consultation.

Most people think that when they turn 65, a magical switch is turned on and poof automatically they are on Medicare! Medicare changed the rules during the Clinton administration, when Social Security extended the time to begin receiving 100% of ones social security benefits.

For your Medicare card to automatically begin the first day of the month that you turn 65 depends on whether you are receiving your social security check. Receiving your social security check is your ticket to starting your Medicare at 65.

How to receive your Medicare at the right time:

Should I Sign Up For Medical Insurance

Medicare 101 – What is Medicare? | Medicare basics | Medicare 101

With our online application, you can sign up for Medicare Part A and Part B. Because you must pay a premium for Part B coverage, you can turn it down.

If youre eligible at age 65, your Initial Enrollment Period begins three months before your 65th birthday, includes the month you turn age 65, and ends three months after that birthday.

Note: Important Upcoming Change Rules for 2023 and later: If you accept the automatic enrollment in Medicare Part B or if you sign up during the first three months of your IEP, your coverage will start the month youre first eligible. Beginning January 1, 2023, if you sign up during the month you turn 65 or during the last three months of your IEP, your coverage starts the first day of the month after you sign up.

The following chart shows when your Medicare Part B becomes effective in 2022:

In 2022, if you sign up during this month of your IEP Your Part B Medicare coverage starts
One to three months before you reach age 65 The month you turn age 65.
The month you reach age 65 One month after the month you turn age 65.
One month after you reach age 65 Two months after the month of enrollment.
Two or three months after you reach age 65 Three months after the month of enrollment.

The following chart shows when your Medicare Part B becomes effective in 2023:

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Do I Get Id Cards For Medicare Advantage Plans

If you get a Medicare Advantage plan or other private insurance plan, your insurance cards arrival date may differ if the plan provides printed cards. The best place to find information about your insurance card is to call the insurance provider directly. Call your plan’s customer service number and speak to a representative.

Lost Stolen Or Damaged Cards

If your Medicare card is lost, stolen or damaged, it can be replaced.

Any New Brunswick resident who has a valid Medicare card may have it replaced if it is lost, stolen or damaged for the minimal fee of $10.00.

If you report your card stolen, in order to protect your privacy, the stolen card will be terminated. A new Medicare number and card will be issued upon receipt of the $10.00 fee. It is your responsibility to notify your service providers of your new number.

To arrange for a replacement card, visit your local Service New Brunswick office or send a completed Medicare Change Request, Replacement and/or Renewal, signed and dated, to New Brunswick Medicare, along with a cheque or money order, made payable to the Minister of Finance, in the amount of $10.00 for each replacement card required .

Exempt from the $10.00 replacement card fee are:

  • Seniors who receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement,
  • Income assistance recipients, and
  • Residentâs whoâve received a damaged or misprinted card.

NOTE: The Department of Health is committed to safeguarding your privacy. Visit our privacy webpage for more information on our privacy practices and about your rights regarding this issue.

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Signing Up For Medicare

Follow the steps below if you need to actively enroll in Medicare.

If you decide to enroll in Medicare during your Initial Enrollment Period, you can sign up for Parts A and/or B by:

  • Visiting your local Social Security office
  • Mailing a signed and dated letter to Social Security that includes your name, Social Security number, and the date you would like to be enrolled in Medicare
  • Or, by applying online at

If you are eligible for Railroad Retirement benefits, enroll in Medicare by calling the Railroad Retirement Board or contacting your local RRB field office.

Keep proof of when you tried to enroll in Medicare, to protect yourself from incurring a Part B premium penalty if your application is lost.

  • Take down the names of any representatives you speak to, along with the time and date of the conversation.
  • If you enroll through the mail, use certified mail and request a return receipt.
  • If you enroll at your local Social Security office, ask for a written receipt.
  • If you apply online, print out and save your confirmation page.
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