Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Old Do You Have To Be To Have Medicare

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Options For Employees With Large Employer Coverage

Do I have to Enroll in Medicare at 65?

The first, and possibly the most favored option is delaying Medicare enrollment. The reason you can do this is that your employee group plan acts as your creditable coverage. When you have , you are able to delay signing up for Medicare until you lose that creditable coverage.

There are no penalties because your employer coverage is primary, and Medicare is secondary. Many people enroll in Part A and delay Parts B and D until they retire.

However, you may not want to delay Medicare. Your answer to the fourth and final question will help you determine whether you want to enroll in Medicare and let it coordinate with your employer coverage or delay Medicare to save yourself from paying unnecessary Part B and D premiums while you are still working.

Medicare Eligibility Due To Specific Illnesses

In addition to the above ways to qualify for Medicare health insurance, you may also be eligible if you have one of the following diseases:

  • End-stage renal disease. To qualify, you must need regular dialysis or a kidney transplant, and your coverage can begin shortly after your first dialysis treatment. If you receive a transplant and no longer require dialysis, youll lose Medicare eligibility.
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Also known as Lou Gehrigs Disease, patients diagnosed with this terminal disease gain immediate Medicare eligibility.

When Can You Join Aarp

Theres no age requirement to join AARP. Anyone aged 50 and over qualifies for full membership with AARP people under 50 years old can also join AARP and access membership perks that arent subject to vendor restrictions, such as age-restricted insurance products.

AARP also provides a secondary member slot for you to add a spouse or someone in your household for free. They will receive their membership card once you add them to your account.

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Sign Up: Within 8 Months After The Active Duty Service Member Retires

  • Most people dont have to pay a premium for Part A . So, you might want to sign up for Part A when you turn 65, even if the active duty service member is still working.
  • Youll pay a monthly premium for Part B , so you might want to wait to sign up for Part B.

Avoid the penalty & gap in coverageIf you miss this 8-month Special Enrollment Period, youll have to wait to sign up and go months without coverage. You might also pay a monthly penalty for as long as you have Part B. The penalty goes up the longer you wait to sign up. How much is the Part B late enrollment penalty?

What If You Still Work


You can work and receive Medicare disability benefits for a transition period under Social Security’s work incentives and Ticket to Work programs.

There are three timeframes to understand. The first, the trial work period, is a nine-month period during which you can test your ability to work and still receive full benefits. The nine months don’t have to be consecutive. The trial period continues until you have worked for nine months within a 60-month period.

Once those nine months are used up, you move into the next time framethe extended period of eligibility. For the next 36 months, you can still receive benefits in any month you aren’t earning “substantial gainful activity.”

Finally, you can still receive free Medicare Part A benefits and pay the premium for Part B for at least 93 months after the nine-month trial periodif you still qualify as disabled. If you want to continue receiving Part B benefits, you have to request them in writing.

If you’re disabled, you may incur extra expenses that those without disabilities do not. Expenses such as paid transportation to work, mental health counseling, prescription drugs, and other qualified expenses might be deducted from your monthly income before the determination of benefits, which mayallow you to earn more and still qualify for benefits.

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What If Im Not Automatically Enrolled At 65

If your Medicare enrollment at 65 is not automatic, but you want to enroll, here are some more magic numbers.

3 and 7.

To start taking advantage of Medicare at 65, you need to sign up during the three months before the birthday month you turn 65. Those are the first three months of your seven-month Initial Enrollment Period.

Unless your birthday is on the first day of the month, your Initial Enrollment Period includes the three full months before turning 65, the month you turn 65, and the three months after you turn 65. If you were born on the first day of the month, IEP is the four months before your birth month, along with your birthday month and the two months after.

If you sign up during one of the months before your 65th birthday, your coverage will begin on the first day of the month you turn 65 .

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Can I Get Medicare At 55

Medicare at age 55 started making headlines again after the Medicare at 55 Act was introduced in August of 2017. It is one of dozens of bills that Congress has yet to vote on, much less pass. The bill proposes to allow American citizens aged 55 to 64 to buy into the Medicare program.

Options would be the same as if you “aged” into the program. This includes Original Medicare, which includes Part A, hospital insurance, and Part B, medical insurance. If the bill passes, you could also choose to enroll in Medicare Part C, more commonly known as Medicare Advantage. You would also have access to Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage.

As of November 2021, Medicare at 55 is not a reality.

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Medicare For People Turning 65

Most people know that when they turn 65 they can start receiving Medicare. In general, you are eligible at 65 if you or your spouse worked and paid Medicare taxes for at least 10 years. You can get Part A at age 65 without having to pay premiums if you:

  • Receive retirement benefits from Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board
  • Are eligible to receive Social Security or Railroad benefits but you have not yet filed
  • Had Medicare-covered government employment

If you qualify for Medicare this way, your Initial Enrollment Period will begin three months before the month you turn 65.

If you did not pay Medicare taxes while you worked, and you are age 65 or older and a citizen or permanent resident of the United States, you may still be able to buy Part A.

When Can I Apply For Medicare

Age 65 – Should I stay on my company work group health insurance plan?

You may apply for Medicare 3 months before your 65th birthday. This marks the beginning of your Initial Enrollment Period. Your IEP:

  • Starts 3 months before the month you turn 65
  • Includes the month of your 65th birthday
  • Ends 3 months after your birth month

For example, if you turn 65 on July 25, your IEP begins on April 1 and ends on October 31.

The exception to this timeframe is if your birthday falls on the first of the month. In that case, all dates move forward one month. So, if your birthday is July 1, your Initial Enrollment Period begins on March 1 and ends on September 30.

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Enrollment Windows Are Limited

If you’re thinking about delaying your enrollment in Medicare, keep in mind that there are enrollment windows that apply. After your initial enrollment window ends, you can only sign up for Medicare Part A and B during the general annual enrollment period from January 1March 31, with coverage effective July 1.

And you can sign up for Part D during the annual enrollment period from October 15December 7, with coverage effective January 1 of the coming year.

So if you delay your enrollment, you could be paying higher premiums when you eventually do enroll, and you’ll have to wait until an open enrollment period in order to have access to coverage. If you’re only enrolled in Part A, for example, and you get diagnosed with a serious illness in April, you’ll have to wait until the following January to have Part D coverage, and until the following Julymore than a year in the futureto have Part B coverage.

Keep all of this in mind when you’re deciding whether to enroll in the parts of Medicare that have premiums.

How Do I Choose A Medicare Plan

Now, its time for the big question, the one weve all been waiting for: How do I choose a Medicare plan? What kind of coverage should I sign up for when the enrollment period rolls around?

If youre unsure of which Medicare plan to choose, here are some factors to consider that can help you to narrow down your options:

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When Your Coverage Starts

The date your coverage starts depends on which month you sign up during your Initial Enrollment Period. Coverage always starts on the first of the month.

If you qualify for Premium-free Part A: Your Part A coverage starts the month you turn 65.

Part B : Coverage starts based on the month you sign up:

If you sign up:

1 month after you turn 65

2 months after you sign up

2 or 3 months after you turn 65

3 months after you sign up

Sign Up: Within 8 Months After You Or Your Spouse Stop Working

How old do you have to be for Medicare?
  • Most people dont have to pay a premium for Part A . So, you may want to sign up for Part A when you turn 65, even if you or your spouse are still working.
  • Youll pay a monthly premium for Part B , so you may want to wait to sign up for Part B.

Avoid the penalty & gap in coverageIf you miss this 8-month Special Enrollment Period, youll have to wait to sign up and go months without coverage. You might also pay a monthly penalty for as long as you have Part B. The penalty goes up the longer you wait to sign up. How much is the Part B late enrollment penalty?

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Is It Mandatory To Sign Up For Medicare At Age 65

May 28, 2021 By Danielle Kunkle Roberts

Many people who are still working wonder whether it is mandatory to at age 65. Not knowing the proper answer could cost you, literally. So, is it mandatory to sign up for Medicare at age 65?

It is mandatory to sign up for Medicare Part A once you enroll in Social Security. The two are permanently linked. However, Medicare Parts B, C, and D are optional and you can delay enrollment if you have creditable coverage.

Sothe straightest answer I can give you is yes and no. Heres why:

Your specific circumstances affect the answer to the Medicare at 65 question. In order to discover a more precise answer for this question for YOU, you will need to answer some questions.

  • Are you retired?
  • If working, how many employees does the company that you work for have?
  • How rich is your employer group health coverage?
  • The answers to these questions will ultimately determine your personal answer for that frustrating question Is it mandatory to sign up for Medicare at age 65?

    Learn Medicare for Free: Enroll in 6-Day Medicare Mini Course

    I Am 70 Years Old And Covered By Medicare But Im Wondering If I Can Purchase One Of The Health Plans Offered Through The Marketplace And Drop My Medicare Coverage Is That An Option For Me Or Should I Keep My Medicare Coverage

    If you have Medicare, you should keep it. In fact, companies that sell Marketplace plans are prohibited from selling these plans to you if they know you are covered by Medicare. If you do drop Medicare and choose to re-enroll later, you can only re-enroll during the Medicare general enrollment period , and your coverage would not begin until July of that year, meaning that you would have a gap in coverage. You also may face a penalty for late enrollment in Medicare Part B and Part D. If you dont sign up for Part B when youre first eligible or if you drop Part B and then sign up again later, your monthly Part B premium may go up 10% for each year that you could have had Part B, but didnt. You may also owe a late enrollment penalty for Part D drug coverage, which is equal to 1% of the national average premium amount for every month you didnt have coverage as good as the standard Part D benefit.

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    Can One Have Dual Eligibility For Both Medicare And Medicaid

    Yes, Medicare and Medicaid are not mutually exclusive programs. Persons who are eligible for both are referred to as having Dual Eligibility, Dual Eligibles, or often simply Duals. Medicare is the first payer of covered benefits, while Medicaid is the secondary payer. Typically, Medicaid will pay for Medicare premiums and co-payments for dual eligibles. In fact, many states have special programs intended to make it easier for seniors to manage their dual eligibility status as it can be confusing to know where to turn for what services. This is generally in the form of managed care.

    There are also programs called Medicare Saving Programs for low-income seniors that dont quite qualify for Medicaid.

    Do You Have To Apply For Medicare

    Working Past Age 65, How (And When) to Enroll in Medicare When You Retire

    If you begin collecting RRB or Social Security benefits at least 4 months before you turn 65, Medicare enrollment is automatic. Everyone else has to apply.

    Although the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services manage the Medicare program, enrollment occurs through the Social Security Administration. The fastest, easiest way to apply for Medicare is by . The online Medicare application takes less than 10 minutes to complete and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    You may also apply for Medicare over the phone by calling 1-800-772-1213 . Hours are Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5:30 PM.

    If you prefer, you may also apply for Medicare in person. Use the Social Security Office Locator to find your local SSA office and schedule an appointment. Please note that, due to COVID-19, in-person services through Social Security were suspended on March 17, 2020. As of November 2021, most are still closed.

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    How To Get A Medicare Card Online

    You can get your own Medicare card using:

    You can get your own card online if you meet all of these requirements:

    • youre living in Australia and youre an Australian citizen, New Zealand citizen or you have a permanent resident visa
    • youre 15 or older
    • youre only on one Medicare card
    • your current Medicare card has other people on it
    • youre not the contact person of your current Medicare card
    • you want your own Medicare card with just your name on it.

    If you dont meet all of these requirements, you need to complete and send us a form.

    D: Prescription Drug Plans

    Medicare Part D went into effect on January 1, 2006. Anyone with Part A or B is eligible for Part D, which covers mostly self-administered drugs. It was made possible by the passage of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003. To receive this benefit, a person with Medicare must enroll in a stand-alone Prescription Drug Plan or public Part C health plan with integrated prescription drug coverage . These plans are approved and regulated by the Medicare program, but are actually designed and administered by various sponsors including charities, integrated health delivery systems, unions and health insurance companies almost all these sponsors in turn use pharmacy benefit managers in the same way as they are used by sponsors of health insurance for those not on Medicare. Unlike Original Medicare , Part D coverage is not standardized . Plans choose which drugs they wish to cover . The plans can also specify with CMS approval at what level they wish to cover it, and are encouraged to use step therapy. Some drugs are excluded from coverage altogether and Part D plans that cover excluded drugs are not allowed to pass those costs on to Medicare, and plans are required to repay CMS if they are found to have billed Medicare in these cases.

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    How Old Do You Have To Be To Get On Medicare

    At sixty-five seniors eligible to receive Social Security benefits are automatically enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B.

    There are three major Parts of Medicare:

    • Part A: which covers hospital stays, skilled nursing, and hospice services
    • Part B: which covers outpatient services, most doctors visits, and most drugs that need to be administered by medical professionals and
    • Part D: which covers most self-administered prescriptions.

    Some seniors elect to add additional coverage for things like vision and dental through a Part C or Medicare Advantage plan.

    Each year, Medicare members are able to purchase supplemental plans, Parts C and D, which enhance coverage.

    Part C includes Medicare Advantage Plans which expand coverage by providing dental, vision, hearing, and other benefits, which are excluded from Parts A and B. Additionally, members looking to bring down the cost of prescription drugs are able to purchase Part D plans.

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