Friday, July 26, 2024

Do I Need Health Insurance With Medicare

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You can buy a Medigap policy from any insurer that is licensed to sell them in your state. But, an insurer cannot sell you a Medigap policy if you have Medicare Advantage unless you are in the process of switching back to Original Medicare.

Also, not all insurers offer all plans in all states. You can find what ones are available in your state on the Medicare website.

Do You Have To Get Health Insurance

Learn whether you must have health coverage under the Affordable Care Act in your state.

As we head into open enrollment for 2021 insurance plans, the Affordable Care Act is still the law of the land. And, technically speaking, the law still says that you must have health insurance. But and this is a big but the tax penalty for going without health insurance has been reduced to zero.

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Employer Or Military Retiree Coverage

If you or your spouse has an Employer Group Health Plan as retiree health coverage from an employer or the military , you may not need additional insurance. Review the EGHPs costs and benefits and contact your employer benefits representative or SHIIP to learn how your coverage works with Medicare.

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Are There Other Types Of Supplemental Insurance

While Medigap is the most common, there are other types of supplemental insurance including:

  • Employer-sponsored insurance: This provides retiree health coverage to Medicare beneficiaries. Depending on the size of the employer sponsoring the health plan, Medicare may be either your primary or secondary health coverage. The primary coverage pays for medical expenses first, and if there are leftover costs, the secondary coverage kicks in.
  • Medicaid: Medicaid is a state-run program that provides hospital and medical coverage for people with low income. Each state has rules regarding who is eligible and what is covered. While some people can qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid, they are separate programs with separate coverage, eligibility requirements and enrollment periods.

Where Can You Get More Information


You can find out more about Medicare, whether you are eligible, and what it would cost you in your situation at Or you can call 1-800-633-4227.

You can look at Medicare plans at

The website has information on both Medicare and Medicaid.

You also can get help to decide what plans might be best for you through your state’s Health Insurance Assistance Program. For more information, see

Current as of: February 11, 2021

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Medicare Premiums And Employer Contributions

Per CMS, its illegal for employers to contribute to Medicare premiums. The exception is employers who set up a 105 Reimbursement Plan for all employees. The reimbursement plan deducts money from the employees salaries to buy individual insurance policies. Beneficiaries who participate can get tax-free reimbursements, including their Part B premium.

A Health Reimbursement Account is a well-known Section 105 plan. An HRA reimburses eligible employees for their premiums, as well as other medical costs.

What Will It Cost Me

As a self-employed individual or small business owner, your health insurance costs will depend on many factors, such as where you live, your income level, the type of coverage you get and the size of your deductible. How often you use healthcare and your comfort with risk may determine how rich a plan you need, and in turn, the cost of that health insurance policy. And, if youre offering coverage to any employees, your premiums may depend on how many people make up your small group.

The cost also depends on the insurance provider. For instance, plans purchased through the Health Insurance Marketplace likely will cost less than purchasing an individual policy directly through a private insurance company. And every insurer offers its own products, and sets its own pricing.

Hiring Incentive

Offering health insurance to potential employees could be an incentive for them to work for you.

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Insurance For Individuals In Nevada

There are several different types of health insurance plans in Nevada.

  • One option is a Health Maintenance Organization plan. HMO plans limit your coverage to physicians contracted to the HMO. You may need to live in a town or county serviced by the particular plan. Out-of-network care isnt covered except in an emergency. HMO deductibles are low, but you need to choose a primary care doctor. You need a referral from your primary care provider to see a specialist.
  • If you need flexibility,Preferred Provider Organization plans allow you to go to doctors of your choice. Still, youll pay less if you stick with providers within the plans network. If youre on a PPO plan, you dont need a referral to see a specialist. However, premiums and deductibles may be higher.
  • A Point of Service plan combines features of an HMO and PPO plan. You must have a primary care provider, and you need a referral to see a specialist, but you can see doctors and specialists outside the providers network.

Pros Of Medicare Advantage

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On the positive side, Part C plans cannot cover less than Original Medicare does. This means that you cant really lose coverage by going with Part C. However, many Part C plans cover more than Original Medicare, including vision and dental benefits. The cost can also be lower than Original Medicare is.

Medicare Advantage plans can also offer prescription drug coverage. If you end up choosing such a plan, you wont be able to purchase a Part D plan alongside it. If your Part C plan doesnt include prescription drug coverage, then you can still buy a Part D plan to complement your coverage.

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If Your Income Is High Or Very Low Or You’re Feeling Lucky You Might Be Able To Rely On Traditional Medicare Here’s Why Most People Don’t

Only 19% of Original Medicare beneficiaries have no supplemental coverage .

If youre approaching Medicare eligibility, youve probably heard about the various private-coverage options that are available to replace or supplement Medicare. These plans are popular, but are they necessary?

If you shun private coverage, can you get by on Original Medicare without purchasing supplemental coverage or using a Medicare Advantage plan?

The answer is: It depends.

If I Have Medicare Do I Need Supplemental Insurance

Medigap helps fill the gaps in Original Medicare. Sold by private insurance companies, it helps pay for some or all of your remaining health care costs such as copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles.

Original Medicare pays for much of the cost for covered health care services and supplies. In most cases, you don’t need supplemental insurance if you have Medicare. However, it is an option for you to help pay out-of-pocket costs for Medicare-covered services and supplies. Medigap may also cover some additional services not covered by Original Medicare.

If youre generally healthy and dont expect any extensive medical bills, Medicare alone may be sufficient. But because Med Supp plans can help with out-of-pocket costs, you may want to consider supplemental insurance if you:

  • Travel extensively outside of the U.S.
  • Are likely to have multiple hospital stays throughout the year
  • Expect to have frequent doctor visits or necessary medical services

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What Other Types Of Coverage Can You Have With Medicare

There are several different situations when you may have private insurance and Medicare at the same time. This can happen if you have:

  • Coverage through an employer. Its possible that youll still have private insurance through your employer when youre eligible for Medicare.
  • Coverage under your spouses private health insurance. You can have Medicare and also be covered on a group plan provided by your spouses employer.
  • COBRA.COBRA allows you to temporarily keep private insurance coverage after your employment ends. Youll also keep your coverage if youre on your spouses private insurance and their employment ends.
  • TRICARE.TRICARE provides coverage for active and retired members of the military and their dependents. You can have both TRICARE and Medicare if you:
  • are age 65 or over and enrolled in Medicare Part B
  • have a disability, end stage renal disease , or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and are enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Part B
  • have Medicare and are a dependent of an active duty service member with TRICARE

Now that weve seen when you may have both Medicare and private insurance, lets discuss who pays first in each situation.

Individual Health Insurance Tax Subsidies

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Beginning 2014, individuals will have access to tax subsidies to buy private health insurance through the public exchange. These subsidies will be for those who enroll in a silver plan through the exchange. The subsidy caps the cost of individual health insurance at 2% 9.5% of their household income if their household income is less than 400% above the federal poverty line. This equates to roughly $90,000 per year for a family of four.

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The Coronavirus Pandemic Covid

COVID-19 is a hot topic health insurance issue in Missouri. If you lose your health insurance due to COVID-19 or your employer closed because of the Coronavirus, testing is available at no charge. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act , passed in March 2020, ensures that everyone can receive COVID-19 testing. You also qualify for an SEP .

See our 5 top Missouri health insurance companies at the bottom of this page.

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Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans

Original Medicare does not cover prescription drugs, with very few exceptions. If you need prescription drugs of any kind, you should make sure you have a Part D prescription drug plan.

Part D plans are offered by private insurance companies. This means that they vary in price and coverage, unlike Original Medicare. When you look for a Part D plan, make sure that you look at the plans formulary. This refers to a tiered list of drugs that the plan covers.

Usually, brand-name drugs will be higher on the list and will cost you more out-of-pocket when compared to generic drugs. Plans are defined by their formularies, so never decide on a plan without confirming that the drugs you need are available on their formulary at a cost you can deal with.

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Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage

Medicare Prescription Drug Plans are sold by private insurance companies approved by Medicare. All people new to Medicare have a seven-month window to enroll in a PDP three months before, the month of and three months after their Medicare becomes effective. The month you enroll affects the PDPs effective date. All people with Medicare are eligible to enroll in a PDP however, unless you are new to Medicare or are entitled to a Special Enrollment Period, you must enroll or change plans during the Open Enrollment Period for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D, Oct. 15 through Dec. 7. There is a monthly premium for these plans. If you have limited income and assets/resources, assistance is available to help pay premiums, deductibles and co-payments. You may be entitled to Extra Help through the Social Security Administration. To apply for this benefit contact SHIIP at 1-855-408-1212 or the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213 or

How Do The Benefits Differ

Do I Need Medicare If I Have Private Insurance? ð¤

Private insurance and original Medicare plans provide varying benefits and coverage.

Most of both types of plans cover hospital care and outpatient medical services, including doctors visits, physical therapy, and diagnostic tests.

However, Medicare may have gaps in coverage that private insurers cover. For example, Medicare does not cover prescription drugs, meaning that a person needs to get a Medicare Part D plan. However, private insurance plans often include prescription drug coverage.

Medicare Advantage plans, which replace original Medicare, may offer coverage that more closely resembles that of a private insurance plan. Many Medicare Advantage plans offer dental, vision, and hearing care and prescription drug coverage.

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Medicare Part B: Doctors And Tests

Medicare Part B covers a long list of medical services including doctor’s visits, medical equipment, outpatient care, outpatient procedures, purchase of blood, mammograms, cardiac rehabilitation, and cancer treatment.

You’re not required to enroll in Part B if you have “” from another source, such as an employer or spouse’s employer. If you don’t enroll and you don’t have creditable coverage from another source, you may have to pay a penalty if you enroll later.

You pay a monthly premium for Part B. In 2021, the cost is $148.50, up from $144.60 in 2020. If you’re on Social Security, this may be deducted from your monthly payment.

The annual deductible for Part B is $198 in 2020 and rises to $203 in 2021. Once you meet the deductible, you pay 20% of the Medicare-approved cost of the service, provided your healthcare provider accepts Medicare assignment. But beware: There is no cap on your 20% out-of-pocket expense.

For example, if your medical bills for a certain year were $100,000, you could be responsible for up to $20,000 of those charges, plus the charges incurred under Part A and D umbrellas. There is no lifetime maximum.

Kathryn B. Hauer, MBA, CFP®, EA, a financial advisor with Wilson David Investment Advisors in Aiken, S.C., and author of Financial Advice for Blue Collar America, explains:

What Is Medicare Supplement Insurance

Original Medicare does not cover all costs. Medicare Supplement insurance, or Medigap, can cover what Medicare does not. Private insurance companies vetted by the federal government offer it to help manage out-of-pocket expenses. These policies do not add coverage. Instead, they help pay for what Medicare Part A and B does not, including copays, coinsurance, and deductibles.2 It does not affect which doctors you can see.

To understand the value of a Medicare supplemental plan, you need to understand what Original Medicare does and doesnt cover.

Original Medicare is made up of Part A and Part B .

Part A has a deductible you must pay before any benefits kick in for hospitalization. It covers the first 60 days of Medicare-eligible inpatient hospital care in a benefit period. After that, you pay daily coinsurance amounts, depending on the length of your stay.

Part B also has an annual deductible. Once you reach it, Part B covers 80% of eligible doctor-related, testing and medical-equipment expenses. You are responsible for the balance .

In 2021, the Part A deductible for hospitalization is $1,484 per benefit period and the Part B annual deductible is $203.3

Medicare Supplement insurance is designed to help cover these out-of-pocket deductibles and coinsurance.

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What Is The Individual Mandate

The health insurance marketplacesestablished by the AffordableCare Act provide coverage to 11.41 million consumers, according to anApril 2020 report from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services .

Prior to 2020, if you went without Affordable Care Act compliant health insurance for more than two consecutive months, you would pay a penalty. This requirement was commonly known as the Obamacare individual mandate. The purpose of the penalty was to encourage everyone to purchase health insurance if they werent covered through their employment or a government-sponsored program. According to Kaiser Health News, the federal ACA penalty for going without health insurance in 2018 was $695 per uninsured adult or 2.5% of your income, whichever amount was higher.

In response to concerns about the affordability of marketplace ACA plans, congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act at the end of 2017. The law reduced the individual penalty of the Obamacare individual mandate to zero dollars, starting in 2019. Now that the individual mandate tax penalty has been removed, there is not a tax penalty at the federal level.

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What Are The Gaps In Original Medicare

What Are Medicare Supplement Plans?

As you may well know by this point, it is impossible to ignore the existing gaps in Original Medicare coverage. For a federal program that has so many coverage policies, there are two main forms of coverage where it usually fails to provide benefits. The main areas where Medicare falls short are: prescription medication coverage, hearing, dental, and vision benefits.

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When Original Medicare Might Be Sufficient

For many low-income Medicare beneficiaries, theres no need for private supplemental coverage. Almost one in five Medicare beneficiaries are dual eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid.

This includes Medicare enrollees who are eligible for full Medicaid as well as those who qualify for Medicare Savings Programs that help low-income seniors pay premiums and cost-sharing under Original Medicare.

For dual-eligible enrollees who qualify for full Medicaid, that coverage picks up where Medicare leaves off, covering coinsurance and deductibles, as well as services not covered at all by Medicare . For Medicare beneficiaries who qualify for Medicare Savings Programs but not full Medicaid, there are varying levels of assistance available depending on the enrollees income.

Those who receive the least assistance might find a Medigap plan to be beneficial, but most Medicare Savings Program enrollees do not have additional coverage under a Medigap plan.

Do I Really Need Supplemental Insurance With Medicare

Have you ever considered obtaining supplemental insurance? If so, did you also have an Original Medicare plan? Deciding whether or not to purchase a supplemental insurance plan can be a difficult decision. Although it may be a dubious choice at first, you may stand to benefit by purchasing a plan to supplement your Original Medicare. How so? Well, for the many reasons you will see below.

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