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Can Doctors Charge More Than Medicare Allows

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What Is Medicare Assignment

Medicare Coverage and Payment of Virtual Services

It turns out that Medicare assignment is a concept you need to understand before seeing a new doctor. First things first: Ask your doctor if they accept assignmentthat exact phrasingwhich means they have agreed to accept a Medicare-approved amount as full payment for any Medicare-covered service provided to you. If your doctor accepts assignment, that means theyll send your whole medical bill to Medicare, and then Medicare pays 80% of the cost, while you are responsible for the remaining 20%.

A doctor who doesnt accept assignment, however, could charge up to 15% more than the Medicare-approved amount for their services, depending on what state you live in, shouldering you with not only that additional cost but also your 20% share of the original cost. Additionally, the doctor is supposed to submit your claim to Medicare, but you may have to pay them on the day of service and then file a reimbursement claim from Medicare after the fact.

Worried that your doctor will not accept assignment? Luckily, 98% of U.S. physicians who accept Medicare patients also accept Medicare assignment, according to the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services . They are known as assignment providers, participating providers, or Medicare-enrolled providers.

It can be confusing. Heres how to assess whether your provider accepts Medicare assignment, and what that means for your out-of-pocket costs:

Do I Have To Pay More Than The Medicare Approved Amount

Medicare won’t pay any amount for the services you get from this doctor or provider, even if it’s a Medicare-covered service. You’ll have to pay the full amount of whatever this provider charges you for the services you get. … Your provider must tell you if he or she has been excluded from Medicare.

What Happens When Medicare Runs Out Of Money

It will have money to pay for health care. Instead, it is projected to become insolvent. Insolvency means that Medicare may not have the funds to pay 100% of its expenses. Insolvency can sometimes lead to bankruptcy, but in the case of Medicare, Congress is likely to intervene and acquire the necessary funding.

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What Is Balance Billing

Balance billing is a practice in which doctors or other health care providers bill you for charges that exceed the amount that will be reimbursed by Medicare for a particular service. Your normal deductible and coinsurance are not counted as balance billing. Balance billing occurs when the doctor sends the patient a bill for more than the normal deductible and coinsurance out-of-pocket costs, and is essentially trying to recoup the portion of the bill written off by Medicare.

If your doctor is a participating provider with Original Medicare, balance billing is forbidden. 93 percent of non-pediatric primary care doctors in the US are participating providers with Original Medicare .

Some doctors arent participating providers with Medicare, but they also havent opted out of Medicare altogether. These non-participating providers can balance bill you, but the total charge cant be more than 15 percent more than Medicare will pay the doctor . Medicare pays non-participating doctors 95 percent of the regular Medicare rate, and the doctor can increase that amount by up to 15 percent and charge it to the patient . This 15 percent cap is known as the limiting charge.

How To Avoid Medicare Part B Excess Charges

Medicare Participating and Non Participating Doctors

There are several ways to avoid Part B Excess Charges. The most obvious, of course, is to live in a state that prohibits them .

Beyond that, you can always check with your regular doctors to see if he/she does use balance billing . If so, you can choose a doctor that does not.

Or, as previously discussed, you can pick a Medigap plan that covers these Part B Excess charges in full. The plans that do so currently are Medigap Plan G and Medigap Plan F.

If you have questions about how Medicare Part B Excess charges work, or anything else regarding Medicare or Medicare Supplement plans, feel free to contact us here or call us at 877.506.3378.

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% Of Approved Charges

For most services, Part B medical insurance pays only 80% of what Medicare decides is the approved charge for a particular service or treatment. You are responsible for paying the other 20% of the approved charge, called your coinsurance amount. And unless your doctor or other medical provider accepts assignment, you are also responsible for the difference between the Medicare-approved charge and the amount the doctor or other provider actually charges, subject to the legal limit discussed below.

How Common Are Medicare Excess Charges

Medicare excess charges are uncommon, mainly because most health care providers accept Medicare assignment. Just 1% of non-pediatric physicians have opted out of Medicare, according to 2020 statistics. In Alaska, Colorado and Wyoming, this figure is slightly higher at 2%.

Its illegal for health care providers to charge their patients Part B excess charges in the following eight states:

  • Connecticut

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Your Doctor May Treat You But Refuse Medicare

There is another situation where your doctor may agree to treat you but refuse to bill Medicare. In that situation, you are responsible for the full bill.

Many medical practitioners that treat psychiatric conditions have opted out of the Medicare system.

A doctor that refuses to treat Medicare patients is well within their rights if they have opted out of Medicare.

Find out the facts BEFORE you make a mistake. Shop and compare Medicare plans in the comfort of your home.

What Is Insurance Balance Vs Patient Balance

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Some patients feel out of their minds when a balance bill is placed on them. Patient balance bills are released when a provider owes the insurance company the full amount of what the patient has paid. A dermatologist would charge the insurance company $300 for an examination. An insurance company will pay $150 to cover the claims.

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Does Medicare Pay For Covid Hospitalization

All medically necessary hospitalizations. This includes if you’re diagnosed with COVID-19 and might otherwise have been discharged from the hospital after an inpatient stay, but instead you need to stay in the hospital under quarantine. You’ll still pay for any hospital deductibles, copays, or coinsurances that apply.

Stay Put And Pay The Difference

If your doctor is whats called a non-participating provider, it means they havent signed an agreement to accept assignment for all Medicare-covered services, but can still choose to accept assignment for individual patients. In other words, your doctor may take Medicare patients but disagrees with the programs reimbursement rates. These non-participating providers can charge up to 15% over the official Medicare reimbursement amount.

If you choose to stick with your non-participating doctor, youll have to pay the difference between the fees and the Medicare reimbursement. Plus, you may have to cough up the entire amount of the bill during your office visit. If you want to be paid back afterward, either your doctor will submit a claim to Medicare, or you may have to submit it yourself using Form CMS-1490S.

Lets say, for example, your doctors bill comes to $300, and Medicare pays $250. This means youll have to pay the $50 difference, plus any copay, out of pocket, assuming your doctor agrees to the programs reimbursement rates. This can add up quickly over time. However, you may be able to cover these extra expenses through a Medigap insurance policy, aka Medicare Supplement Insurance. Provided by private insurers, it is designed to cover expenses not covered by Medicare.

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Common Excess Charge Scenarios

Medicare agents report seeing Part B Excess Charges most often with people who have multiple chronic ailments. Those people have so many doctors that at least one doctor typically doesnt accept Medicare assignment. The patient, not wanting to switch medical networks, will be stuck paying that extra charge for every visit with that doctor.

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It is a bipartisan notion that American health care is in dire need of reform. American health care spending constitutes 18 percent of the gross domestic product of the largest national economy on the planet. By contrast, the country that is number two in GDP spent on health care is the immensely wealthy nation of Switzerland, whose health care spending comes in at only about 12 percent of its GDP, according to data from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.

One reason we spend so much on health care relative to other countries is that the United States is a hub of medical innovation and technology. New procedures and experimental drugs provide great value to American patients, but we pay more to obtain them. Differences in health statuses of national populations also account for some of the variance in health care outlays. Our superior cancer survival rates speak to the immense economic and social value we place on the individual life.

At the same time, insurance premiums have been climbing inexorably for decades, leaving Americans desperate for relief and policymakers searching for answers. Decades of legislative and regulatory interaction between the government, health insurers, and hospitals have drained massive amounts of value from the U.S. system.

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How To Avoid Part B Excess Charges

The most obvious way to avoid Part B excess charges is by only visiting doctors who accept Medicare Assignment. The easiest thing you can do is simply ask them if they accept assignment upon scheduling an appointment. You can also use the physician finder tool to help speed up the process of finding a doctor who participates in Medicare. Additionally, you can supplement your Medicare coverage with a Medigap plan that protects you from excess charges.

Providers Who Accept Assignment

Doctors and other providers who participate in Medicare accept assignment for all of their Medicare patients. Doctors and other providers who do not participate in Medicare can also accept assignment for some Medicare patients on a case-by-case basis. Always ask your doctor in advance if he/she accepts Medicare assignment. Seeing a provider who accepts assignment can often save you money.

For a list of doctors and suppliers in your area who participate in Medicare, call 1-800-MEDICARE or look up this information on Medicares website.

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Rules For Private Contracts

You don’t have to sign a private contract. You can always go to another provider who gives services through Medicare. If you sign a private contract with your doctor or other provider, these rules apply:


Medicare won’t pay any amount for the services you get from this doctor or provider, even if it’s a Medicare-covered service.

  • You’ll have to pay the full amount of whatever this provider charges you for the services you get. You and your provider will set up your own payment terms through the contract.
  • If you have a Medicare Supplement Insurance policy, it won’t pay anything for the services you get. Call your insurance company before you get the service if you have questions.
  • Your provider must tell you if Medicare would pay for the service if you got it from another provider who accepts Medicare.
  • Your provider must tell you if he or she has been excluded from Medicare.
  • You can’t be asked to sign a private contract for emergency or urgent care.
  • You’re always free to get services not covered by Medicare if you choose to pay for a service yourself.

You may want to contact your State Health Insurance Assistance Program to get help before signing a private contract with any doctor or other health care provider.

How Much You Will Pay

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Some preventive screening tests are free to you when you receive care through a participating provider. The rest of the time, Medicare pays 80 percent of the recommended cost and you pay a 20 percent coinsurance.


Understanding how the system works will help you to make the most of your dollars. The table above outlines the cost breakdown if you received the same $100 service from a participating and a non-participating provider.

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How Can Doctors Charge So Much

One reason for high costs is administrative waste. … Hospitals, doctors, and nurses all charge more in the U.S. than in other countries, with hospital costs increasing much faster than professional salaries. In other countries, prices for drugs and healthcare are at least partially controlled by the government.

Are The Costs Of Doctor Visits Different For Medicare Beneficiaries

What you pay will vary depending on whether your doctor is a Medicare participating provider, meaning they accept Medicares payment as payment in full. KFF found that 96% of Original Medicare doctors were participating providers, while 4% did not participate. Non-participating providers can charge patients up to 115% of Medicares rates, minus the amount Medicare pays. Medigap Plans F and G can cover these additional amounts, which are known as excess charges.

A small number of providers dont bill Medicare at all. Just over 26,000 providers have opted out of Medicare as of March 2020, which means they cant see Medicare beneficiaries without entering into a private contract where the patient agrees to pay full price. More specialists opt out of Medicare than other types of providers.

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How Medicare Excess Charges Work

Lets say you need an echocardiogram to check your heart function. A doctor who accepts assignment from Medicare may charge $100 for the procedure. They would receive $80 from Medicare and send you the bill for the Part B coinsurance amount of $20. If you have a Medicare Supplement plan, your Medigap insurance plan will cover all or part of the Part B coinsurance .

If instead, you decided to attend a clinic that doesnt accept Medicare assignment, the doctor could impose a Medicare Part B excess charge of 15% on top of the $100 charge for the echocardiogram. Instead of $100, the total for the service would be $115.

The doctor may require you to pay the total bill upfront instead of submitting it to Medicare, in this situation. Youd then file a claim with Medicare for reimbursement. Medicare would cover 80% of the $100 Medicare-approved amount as before. You would pay the remainder, meaning your out-of-pocket cost would be a total of $35 rather than $20.

This example shows how Medicare Part B excess charges work with a relatively small medical bill. However, doctors can also impose Part B excess charges on much larger bills costing thousands of dollars.

Medicare Part B Excess Charges: What Are They And How Can You Avoid Them

Medicare Plan F vs. Plan G vs. Plan N

Discover what Medicare Part B excess charges are, the states where they are legal and how you can avoid them when paying for doctors visits and other medical services.

by Zia Sherrell | Published January 20, 2022 | Reviewed by John Krahnert

Medicare Part B excess charges arent all that common, but they can be distressing when they arise. These charges are often unexpected and can potentially cause financial hardship when you can least afford it.

Thankfully, Part B excess charges need not trouble you. Understanding what these charges are and how to avoid them can help you reduce your risk of a confusing Medicare bill. In this article, we outline how to avoid Part B excess charges, and we detail the Medicare Supplement plans that can pay for Medicare excess charges.

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Are Medicare Doctors Taking New Patients

January 2, 2021 By Danielle Kunkle Roberts

Perhaps youve been feeling fearful about Medicare and wondering: Are Medicare doctors taking new patients? Fortunately, there are over 800,000 doctors who accept Medicare. In recent years there have been a lot of hype about doctors who accept Medicare and/or doctors who accept Medicare assignment. So of course, here at Boomer Benefits, we get many of questions, such as:

  • Do all doctors accept Medicare?
  • Is there a Medicare doctor shortage?
  • Will my doctor drop me when I transition to Medicare?

Lets put this worry to rest. More than 91% of all primary care physicians in the United States accept Medicare.

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Crystal Balls And Medicare Excess

Excess is going to get much more important.Maybe critical.A quick lay of the land.There’s tremendous pressure on Medicare to contain costs as its financialsituation worsens.The biggest bat Medicare can take to its costs is the reimbursement todoctors and hospitals.It’s been an ongoing battle.Each year, Congress is faced with an existing mandate to roll back reimbursementto doctors and each year, out of political pressure, they choose to delay foranother year.The issue is that this compounds over time and just shifts the need to thefuture.The rate of inflation for doctor reimbursement is already extremely low.Add to that a slowing birthrate , and it’sgoing to get “interesting”.Why does this matter?Expect more pressure from Medicare on doctor’s reimbursements.

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Billing To The Max: Why Do Some Florida Doctors Charge Medicare Far More Than Others

When Florida doctors and other health providers billed Medicare for nearly 19 million office visits in 2012, they asked for the top fee less than 5 percent of the time.

But about 160 medical providers claimed nearly all of their visits for established patients merited the highest rate on a 1 to 5 scale, according to an analysis of Medicare data by ProPublica. Another nearly 425 providers including doctors, nurse practitioners and physicians assistants billed at least half their office visits at that rate.

This included Sarasota psychiatrist Matthew Edlund, who charged all his 1,415 office visits by Medicare patients in 2012 at the most expensive level. He saw each of those 188 patients an average of more than seven times, and said each visit required the most complex, time-consuming care for which Medicare will pay.

Edlund, who focuses on physical, mental and spiritual health at his Center for Circadian Medicine, said that his patients have many problems, such as insomnia, depression and poor diets.

“I happen to be doing complicated stuff,” said Edlund, author of several books, including Healthy Without Health Insurance.

While many patients complain their doctors don’t spend enough time with them,experts say heavy billing at the highest rate should at least raise red flags as pressure mounts to rein in waste in the public insurance program for seniors and the disabled.

Patients should pay attention to those codes on their Medicare statements, he said.

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