Thursday, July 25, 2024

Will Medicare Cover Lasik Surgery

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Will Medicare Pay For Eye Exams

Does Medicare Cover Cataract Surgery

Medicare is meant to help you cover the cost of unexpected medical care. In a way, this is a form of catastrophic health insurance. Your coverage does not help you to stay healthy or prevent disease as much as deal with a medical crisis when it happens. This coverage can be of great help, but it also offers a limited form of protection.

Consider eye exams. A regular eye exam can help you uncover hidden eye health conditions that could impact your ability to see clearly. The conversation you have with a doctor during an exam can also help you understand what to do to protect eye health. Yearly exams are vital, but according to, your Medicare Part B plan only covers a yearly exam for the condition diabetic retinopathy, and that coverage is only offered to people who have diabetes.

The Medicare Learning Network clarifies the issue by explaining that eye examinations your doctor might use to prescribe eyeglasses for you are not covered by Medicare. Since a test of your vision is often included in a yearly exam, it’s reasonable that Medicare would move to halt coverage for any kind of yearly exam. Since this is considered routine care, it would not be covered.

Doctors need to perform a thorough examination before clearing patients for LASIK surgery. During the exam, they measure the following:

  • Tear production
  • Eye pressure
  • Eye symmetry

Cataract Surgery And Medicare

Now that you know a little more about Medicare and cataracts that dont require surgery, lets take a look at surgical options.

Cataract surgery is a simple procedure that involves replacing the natural lens in the affected eye with an artificial one. If you have cataracts in both eyes, youll likely have it performed on one eye at a time.

Since cataract surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis, its covered under your Medicare Part B benefits. Medicare Part B also covers:

  • Eye exams to diagnose serious vision problems
  • Pre-surgery eye exams

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Does Medicare Pay For Any Eye Surgeries

Though Medicare doesn’t cover LASIK, it does cover some medically necessary eye care, including:

  • Cataract surgery if ordered by a doctor
  • Eyeglasses or contacts if you’ve had cataract surgery
  • An annual vision exam if you have diabetes
  • A annual vision exam if you are at high risk of glaucoma
  • Certain diagnostic testing and treatment for serious eye conditions

Note: Medicare does not cover routine eye exams, eyeglasses or contact lenses that fall outside of the situations listed above.

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How Much Will Cataract Surgery Cost

If you have Medicare, youll pay 20% or less of the total cataract surgery bill. The surgery may even be free if you have a plan with a $0 outpatient copayment.

On average, those who only have Original Medicare are paying about $200 to $800 out of pocket per cataract procedure. Below are the average out-of-pocket costs for cataract surgery paid by someone who has Medicare.

Cataract surgery procedure
Extracapsular removal with intraocular lens insertion and endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation to decrease eye pressure $488-$783

The cost of cataract surgery varies widely, and how much you pay will vary based on the following factors:

  • Type of facility where you get the surgery done: Costs are lower if you get surgery at a stand-alone surgery center versus an outpatient hospital unit.
  • Type of surgery you have: Medicare covers both traditional and laser surgery, but since laser surgery costs more, it may come with higher out-of-pocket costs.
  • Your Medicare plan: The type of Medicare you have and the plans level of coverage also affect how much youll pay.

Possible Side Effects & Risks Of Lasik Surgery

LASIK Surgery: Does Medicare Cover It?

With any surgical procedure there are potential risks and side effects. In the case of LASIK eye surgery, most risks and potential complications are not significantly vision threatening. Complication rates and side effects with LASIK are rare with less than 1% of Laser eye surgeries experiencing complications. Read More:

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Is Laser Eye Surgery Covered By Medicare

LASIK is considered an elective surgery and is not covered by Medicare. In fact, Original Medicare doesnt cover routine eye care, such as eye exams, corrective eyeglasses, contact lenses and/or frames.

If you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, its possible your laser eye surgery will be covered. Medicare Advantage plans are required to provide the same benefits as Medicare Parts A and B, but many also offer additional benefits that sometimes include routine vision care and, in some instances, laser eye surgery.

LASIK may or may not be included with your benefits, so its best to check your plan or call your provider for confirmation.

CONSIDERING LASIK SURGERY? Find a LASIK surgeon in your area. Click the Services filter at top right of the doctor locator to find a LASIK specialist near you.

Bonuses Gifts And Refunds

Did you get a stimulus check from the 2020 CARES Act? It is a great example of an unexpected financial windfall. Bonuses from your existing job or a signing bonus from a new one, cash gifts, and tax refunds are other examples. If laser vision correction is a priority for you, these windfalls are a great way to help you make it a reality.

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Eye Care Benefits Most Plans Cover

UHC plans often offer comprehensive coverage for traditional vision expenses. For example, UHC employer plans offer covered vision benefits, such as:

  • Eye exams.
  • Scratch-resistant coating on eyeglass lenses.
  • Contact lenses.

With a benefit like this, people could walk into an associated vision provider and go through a comprehensive examination. At the end of this examination, people would understand how well they can see right now and how much lens correction is required in order to deliver crisp vision at all distances.

In Kansas between 2011 and 2012, people with UHC coverage could obtain an exam, a pair of eyeglass lenses, or a set of contact lenses once every 12 months for a $25 copay. This information comes from a benefits summary created by UHC for the Kansas Board of Regents. A table like this is typically provided to people when they enroll in care. It spells out exactly what is covered and what is not.

These benefits typically apply only to work done by providers within the UHC network. According to UHC, that network includes both retail and private practice locations, which seems to give members quite a few treatment options to choose from.

Its important to note, however, that these covered benefits do not seem to apply to LASIK. In available documents online about coverage UHC offers to people who want LASIK, there are no mentions of covered surgery. The company chooses to deal with this issue in a very different way.

Does Insurance Cover Lasik The Update For 2021

â? Does Medicare Cover Cataract Surgery? Should You Wait?

Many of those weighing options for vision correction naturally wonder: does insurance cover LASIK and other laser vision correction procedures like SMILE, PRK, LASEK, or epi-LASEK? The good news is some insurance policies do offer benefits that can help with the cost of laser vision correction, but, as with most things, the details matter.

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Hmo Plans Can Put You And Your Doctor Into An Unwanted Financial Pit

If you have an HMO policy, coverage is even less likely than a PPO plan since HMO payments to your doctor are usually based on a concept known as capitation. Capitation is when the HMO pays the doctor a lump sum of money per month to cover all of the care for a given patient, regardless of how much care the patient requires.

If the patient needs surgery or specialty care, the doctor or medical group providing treatment pays the cost. This is why it is typically so difficult to get surgery or a specialty referral in a capitated HMO setting, as the insurance company that owns the HMO policy financially pits the doctor and the patient against one another.

If You Have A Serious Eye Condition

Of course, if you have serious vision problems that would be best treated by LASIK or other refractive surgery, then your health insurance will pay for LASIK surgery as it would any other medically necessary procedure. Insurers will typically need a comprehensive diagnosis from an ophthalmologist or qualified physician explaining why glasses or contact lenses would not be a suitable alternative.

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Are Premium Lenses Worth The Extra Cost

Theres no right or wrong answer here. If you dont mind wearing glasses to see after cataract surgery, then you may have no issue with choosing a monofocal lens as your IOL.

If you want visual freedom and a life that lets you rely less on wearing glasses, a premium lens may be worth it for that reason.

Does Medicare Cover Lasik Surgery For Cataracts

Does Medicare Cover Eye Surgery

In short, no. LASIK does not correct vision loss caused by cataracts and is not considered medically necessary therefore, LASIK eye surgery is not covered under Original Medicare.

LASIK surgery and cataract surgery are both widely used to correct vision, but the procedures focus on different parts of the eyes to achieve clearer results.

LASIK surgery reshapes the cornea of the eye, correcting vision issues like nearsightedness , farsightedness and astigmatism. Because cataract is the clouding of the eyes natural lens behind the cornea, its still possible to develop cataracts after LASIK surgery which would require an additional procedure .

Depending on the severity of your cataracts, LASIK may be a possibility. As you begin your research, ask your eye doctor whether laser eye surgery will work for you.

SEE RELATED:LASIK eye surgery cost

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How Much Does Eye Surgery Cost

The cost of eye surgery will greatly depend on the area, what type of eye surgery is being done, and if one or both eyes need treatment. Most eye surgeries are outpatient procedures that are covered by Medicare Part B. After the beneficiaryA person who has health care insurance through the Medicare or Medicaid programs…. has met their Part B deductible, Part B covers 80 percent of approved costs.

The beneficiary is responsible for any Part B Excess chargesA Medicare Part B excess charge is the difference between a health care providers actual charge and Medicares approved amount for payment…. incurred by the surgeon, anesthesiologist, and/or surgical center. If you need help with Excess Charges, consider joining a Medicare Advantage plan or purchasing a Medigap policy for protection against such charges.

What Are The Roles Of A Medicare Supplemental Plan

Along with Original Medicare, Medigap or Medicare Advantage, which are plans from private insurers that anyone 65-or-older with Medicare parts A & B may apply for, may be used to extend your coverage.

For instance, premium cataract surgery such as to repair an astigmatism or presbyopia may not be fully covered by Medicare. However, Medigap may be able to help cover the cost, which can be as much as 3-times that of standard cataract surgery.

Theres also Medicare Advantage, which is a plan that replaces Medicare Parts A & Part B, and may cover standard vision care , as well as other expenses not covered under Medicare Parts A & B.

The cost of these plans may vary, and while they typically offer lower out-of-pocket expense, your choice of physicians under them may be limited.

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Is Lasik Covered By Insurance

Submitted by Atlanta Vision Cataract and Laser Center on October 1, 2017

Unfortunately, most insurance companies dont cover LASIK because laser eye surgery is nearly always considered an elective procedure and not medically necessary.

Although insurance does not often cover the cost of LASIK, certain people can get their laser eye surgery covered due to special circumstances.

The first way LASIK may be covered by insurance is if a persons profession requires optimal vision. People who serve in special forcesincluding those serving in the militaryand who meet specific vision requirements can sometimes get LASIK covered. This usually requires a significant waiting period and surgery in a military facility, and not everyone qualifies.

People with certain safety requirements or medical conditionssuch as contact lens intolerance, severe dry eyes or severe allergiesmight qualify for insurance-covered LASIK. Either of these conditions can make wearing glasses and contacts dangerous or impossible, leading to a need for LASIK. The conditions must be documented, and there must be a good-faith effort to use contacts and glasses. Even then, an insurance company might not view LASIK as medically necessary.

Answer a few questions in our free online LASIK Self-Evaluation to find out how much you can save on LASIK. Call us today for a free consultation.

Is Lasik Worth It Over 40

Does Medicare Cover Cataract Surgery?

Of course, LASIK eligibility depends on quite a few factors, several of which are unique from person to person. But the answer is generally yes LASIK is worth it after 40. LASIK is safe and effective for patients older than 40 and produces the long-term value that this refractive surgery is known for.

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Answers To One Of The Most Common Questions Our Coding Expert Gets

Laser therapy of vitreous floaters was not a topic that I was planning for this issue. However, we continue to get questions about YAG laser for vitreous floaters from both retina specialists and even general ophthalmologists. They ask about coding, coverage and reimbursement. Ill review those areas here. Note that vitrectomy for vitreous floaters, while coded differently, isnt part of this discussion, but much of the medical necessity discussion is germane.


The question is, Is this covered by insurance? Unfortunately, the answer is not so black and white. First, is the procedure medically necessary? In other words, is the floater so significant that it limits vision and/or impedes a persons ability to perform a function or task? Sometimes the impact is significant, but one article states, Vitreous opacities are almost universal, and most need no treatment.1

Consider medical necessity for treating a vitreous floater similar to when a surgeon documents medical necessity for cataract surgery. The surgeon documents how the cataract impacts or impedes activities of daily living and that theres a high likelihood that removing the cataract will improve or restore those ADLs. We recommend our clients use a questionnaire to score the severity of the floaters and document specific compromised ADLs. A sample questionnaire can be found at

Two codes to consider

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What Does Medicare & Other Insurance Consider Medically Necessary

Insurance companies have very tight rules regarding what they will and will not cover. Every insurance program is a little different, but most cover treatments that would be considered medically necessary.

The insurance company Cigna says that a treatment that could be considered medically necessary is:

  • Used to diagnose, evaluate, or treat a health condition.
  • In keeping with generally accepted standards of care.
  • Appropriate for the person’s medical condition.
  • Not defined by convenience.
  • Not costlier than an alternate that works just as well.

LASIK therapy could be considered troublesome for a variety of reasons. For example, it could be considered a surgery of convenience, so patients do not need to wear glasses anymore. And it could be considered costlier than glasses, which work just as well.

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How Does Medicare Cover Eye Surgery

Medicare covers surgical procedures if they are deemed medically necessary by the beneficiarys health care providerA person or organization thats licensed to give health care. Doctors, nurses, and hospitals are examples of health care providers….. Medicare will provide coverage for eye surgery if it is for the medically necessary treatment of an eye condition, such as cataracts or, Surgery, Accessed November 4, 2021

Is Lasik Covered By Medicare

Does Medicare Cover LASIK Eye Surgery?

Unfortunately, Medicare won’t cover the costs of LASIK or any similar laser eye surgery, but some Medicare Advantage plans might.

What is LASIK? If you wear prescription glasses or contact lenses, youve probably considered laser eye surgery as a way to see clearly without specs or contacts. LASIK improves vision for patients with nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, often providing immediate and long-term improvement with minimal pain or discomfort.

Lets review why LASIK isnt included in your Medicare benefits, how this procedure differs from cataract surgery and the potential costs involved if you elect to have laser eye surgery.

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Humana Discounts For Lasik And Eye Surgery Coverage

LASIK is an FDA-approved surgical eye procedure that changes the shape of the cornea to correct common refractive errors. It permanently changes your vision to the point that you likely will no longer need corrective eyewear .

LASIK is considered an elective procedure and often a cosmetic one. As a result, it is not usually covered by health insurance.

However, Humana offers discounts on LASIK procedures. As a member of Humana, you can receive up to 15 percent off standard LASIK pricing at specified in-network providers.

Members of HumanaVision can receive deeper discounts on LASIK services, especially when using a specific in-network provider. Procedures can cost from $700 to $2,000 per eye, depending on the provider, location, and whether or not the services are traditional or customized.

You can use a different and independent LASIK surgery provider and still receive a discount of 10 percent off the usual cost of the services, as a HumanaVision member. Fees cant exceed $1,800 for conventional/traditional or $2,300 for customized LASIK per eye.

The cost for LASIK can vary greatly and get up to around $4,000 per eye, so these discounts can be substantial.

Eye surgery, even for cataracts, is not deemed medically necessary. Therefore, it is not covered through traditional Medicare.

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