Alternative Options To Pay For Dentures
You can buy senior dental insurance from private insurers to help cover the cost of dentures if you are on Medicare. There are also several free and low-cost dental care options to reduce your out-of-pocket costs or to help you if you have limited income and resources.
Options for Dentures and Dental Services When on Medicare
The Cost Of Dental Plans For Seniors
The cost of dental plans for seniors depends on a few factors such as age and where they reside. As with other types of insurance, typically plans with higher monthly premiums often have lower deductibles and copays whereas plans typically with lower monthly premiums have higher deductibles and copays.Many plans may also have a waiting period before procedures like cavities or root canals can be done. It is a good idea to enroll for dental insurance as soon as possible so that these conditions do not develop, and you do not have to wait to receive treatment.
Original Medicare Dental Coverage
Original Medicare, Part A and B, does not cover routine dental care, including:
- Cleanings and oral exams
- Bridges
- Dental appliances, including dentures or dental plates
There are a few exceptions to this. Medicare Part A may cover certain dental services performed in a hospital if its a necessary part of a covered service. For example, if you need a preliminary oral examination before a surgery or organ transplant or if you need reconstructive jaw surgery, you may be covered for these dental procedures because the care is related to another service that Medicare does cover. You may also be covered for extractions if theyre needed to prepare your mouth for radiation for oral cancer. If you receive these services as an outpatient, youd be covered under Part B.
If you need inpatient emergency hospital care because of a complication from a dental procedure, Part A will cover your inpatient hospital treatment, even if the dental services arent covered.
Keep in mind that even if Original Medicare covers a specific dental service, you may not be covered for post-treatment dental services once the specific issue has been treated. So, for example, in the case of Medicare covering reconstructive jaw surgery, it may not continue paying for dental care after that operation.
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How Do You Get Dental Coverage If Medicare Doesnt Include It
If youre on a Medicare plan thats working for you and doesnt offer dental coverage, there are other options you may consider:
- Buy a separate or standalone dental plan from a private insurance company. There are many types of dental plans to choose from, usually with affordable monthly premiums. Basic dental plans may offer you coverage for preventive dental care with lower monthly premiums. Other plans may provide more dental coverage for a little higher premium. Standalone dental plans usually include deductibles, copays, and coinsurance.
- Look for an affordable walk-in dental clinic in your area. Depending on where you live and what kind of dental services you need, you may be able to find affordable dental care even if it means paying out-of-pocket.
- Check with your state department of health. They may have information on where you can get low-cost dental services.
- Have a local dental school or university program nearby? You can contact them to see if they offer any free or low-cost dental clinics.
- Before age 65, you can consider opening a Health Savings Account if you have a high deductible health plan. Once you enroll in Medicare you can no longer contribute to the fund, but you can certainly use what youve saved to help pay for covered expenses, including eligible dental care.
How Do You Treat An Abscessed Tooth
A tooth abscess is a pocket of pus that has accumulated under or near a tooth as a result of a bacterial infection. A tooth abscess can cause pain, sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures and chewing, fever, swelling, odor and difficulty breathing or swallowing.
If left untreated, the infection may spread to other parts of your body and can even lead to the life-threatening infection called sepsis.
The most common treatments for an abscessed tooth include:
- Draining the buildup of liquidThis is only done for a very minor abscess near the surface of the gums. While this treatment does provide pain relief, it does not address the abscess itself.
- Root canalThe most common treatment for a tooth abscess is a root canal. During a root canal, the infected tissue is accessed and removed by drilling through the center of the tooth. The resulting hole is then filled with a synthetic material.
- ExtractionA tooth abscess that is large or badly infected may require the dentist to extract the tooth entirely.
- AntibioticsAntibiotics are often used in conjunction with the above treatments to help the body fight off bacteria caused by an abscess and prevents the infection from spreading.
You can help prevent a tooth abscess by practicing good oral hygiene such as brushing twice a day, drinking fluoridated water, limiting sugary foods and drinks and visiting your dentist for a checkup every six months.
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Does Medicare Cover Dental Care
When it comes to Medicare, you have two main options. You can either enroll in Original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan. You cannot have both. Understanding the difference is important when it comes to dental care.
Original Medicare is Medicare Part A and Part B. It is referred to as original because these parts of Medicare came into existence when the Social Security Amendments were first passed in 1965.
In 1997, Medicare Part C was created. It was initially called Medicare+Choice, but its name was changed to Medicare Advantage in 2003.
These plans cover everything Original Medicare does, but they are overseen by insurance companies rather than the federal government. The insurance companies are allowed to offer additional services, known as supplemental benefits, above and beyond what Original Medicare covers.
Original Medicare covers dental care, but in limited circumstances. Medicare Advantage plans, on the other hand, can offer dental care as a supplemental benefit.
Depending on the plan you choose, this can include a wider range of services, including but not limited to routine dental cleanings, bridges, crowns, dentures, fillings, root canals, tooth extractions, and X-rays. Most plans set a cap on how much they would pay for dental care annually.
Does Medicare Plan B Cover Dental
Part B does cover dental but it only covers the dental expenses that are a necessary part of another covered service. Such procedures could include oral exams in anticipation of a kidney transplant or reconstruction of teeth following an accident. It doesn’t cover the regular care, treatment, removal, or replacement of teeth. For example, the plan does not cover routine dental services such as cleaning, dentures, crowns, or fillings.
Whereas Part A does pay for inpatient hospital care if you need to have an emergency or complicated dental procedure, it doesnt cover dental care. On the other hand, some Medicare Advantage plans do include coverage for dental care.
Each plan has different costs and rules for how these benefits can be used. Therefore, for regular or preventative dental treatments, it’s better for Medicare beneficiaries to invest in separate dental plans. It’s also advisable to consider your future needs and family dental history before deciding on a plan. Outside of Medicare, there are also dental coverage plans such as standalone dental insurance, dental discount groups, or the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly .
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What Are The Out
Depending on where you live, an annual dental cleaning and examination could cost between $75 to $200. That cost could be higher if you need a deep cleaning or X-rays.
Since most dental services and supplies arent covered by Medicare Part A and Part B, If you know you may need dental care in the next year, a Medicare Advantage plan may be a good option.
When youre making this decision, be sure to consider your future needs as well as your family dental history. If you think theres a possibility you may need implants or dentures in the future, factor that into your decision-making as well.
What Dental Care Does Medicare Part A Cover
Medicare Part A wont cover dental services such as cleaning, fillings, root canals, crowns, extractions or dentures.
However, if you have an emergency or complicated dental procedure where you need to go to the hospital, Medicare Part A can cover your hospital care. This could include jaw surgery, tooth extractions before cancer radiation treatments, splints for facial fractures, an oral exam before a kidney transplant or other major treatments.
In these situations where you need hospital treatment for your jaw, mouth or teeth, we recommend that you check the billing codes for each service to confirm your coverage.
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Does Medicare Part B Cover Any Dental Expenses
Yes, but Medicare Part B only covers dental expenses that are a medically necessary part of another covered service. It does not cover routine dental services, such as cleanings, or other standard procedures like dentures, crowns, or fillings.
In fact, approximately 24 million Americans on Medicare do not have dental insurance that covers these services.1 These services would need to be covered through independent senior dental plans or through a Medicare Advantage plan that includes dental coverage.
Hearing Exams And Hearing Aids
Medicare doesn’t cover routine hearing exams, hearing aids, or exams for fitting hearing aids. Medicare Part B covers diagnostic hearing and balance exams if your doctor or other health care provider orders these tests to see if you need medical treatment. All people with Part B are covered.
Your costs in Original Medicare:
- You pay 100% for routine exams and hearing aids.
- You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for the doctor’s services for covered exams, and the Part B deductible applies.
- In a hospital outpatient setting, you also pay the hospital a copayment.
Note: Some Medicare Advantage plans offer extra hearing benefits. Be sure to contact the plan for more information.
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Medicare Part B Dental Benefits
On the other hand, if the physician conducts the examination needed prior to kidney transplant or heart valve replacement, the CMS states that Part B benefits will apply.
However, when it comes to Medicare Part B, there are two specific sets of services that it will not cover.
The first involves services used to care, treat, remove, or replace teeth to structures supporting the teeth. For example, this can include pulling teeth prior to getting dentures.
The second set of services Medicare Part B wont cover also include those related to the teeth and their supporting structures unless those services are needed to effectively treat a non-dental condition.
In this type of situation, the dental service must be performed at the same time as the covered service in order for Medicare to pay its portion. It must also be performed by the same healthcare professional who performed the covered service, whether that person is a physician or dentist.
Medicare Advantage Dental Policies
One exception to the dental exclusions under Original Medicares parts A and B is Medicare Advantage. Commonly referred to as Part C, these types of policies are offered by private insurance companies and are intended to cover all of the same basic expenses participants receive under the Original Medicare plan.
Many Medicare Advantage plans do offer dental coverage, according to, though the exact benefits provided varies based on the plan chosen.
Many Medicare Advantage plans do offer dental coverage, according to, though the exact benefits provided varies based on the plan chosen.
Additionally, these plans can be:
- HMOs
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What Is Medicare Part B Dental
Unfortunately, Medicare Parts A and B do not cover preventive dental care like routine exams, cleanings, root canals, extractions, or X-rays. They will only cover specific dental services required for other medical procedures or conditions.
Medicare Part A is designated as hospital insurance. It covers care you receive when you are admitted to the hospital, care you get in a skilled nursing facility, hospice care, and home health services.
Dental coverage is rare under Part A however, it may cover certain situations if you are in the hospital for emergency or complicated dental proceduresfor example, tooth extractions as part of reconstructive jaw surgery after an accident.
Medicare Part B is optional and will cover your doctor visits, outpatient care, and other routine healthcare needs. It will only cover dental procedures that directly affect your treatment for other medical conditions.
For instance, dental care may be needed to prepare you for surgery, like a kidney transplant or major heart surgery, in which you might be at greater risk for bacteria from the mouth getting into your bloodstream. You may also need teeth removed if a clinician would otherwise have difficulty giving you radiation treatment for head and neck cancers.
Are There Dental Insurance Options Outside Of Medicare
If you choose to remain covered by Original Medicare or cant find a Medicare Advantage plan in your area that offers dental benefits, you may have dental coverage options outside of the Medicare program. For example, you can get private dental insurance either through a licensed insurance broker like eHealth or an employer. Compare the different types of dental plans in your area and weigh your needs against them. The costs of a dental plan can vary by plan and provider.
Some dental insurance plans have network restrictions, similar to the way that Medicare has you visit doctors and health-care providers who accept Medicare assignment. With a network-type dental plan, you must see professionals who reside in the dental plans network.
There are other options as well. If you have limited income and qualify for state assistance, some Medicaid programs include dental coverage. Medicaid programs are run at the state level, and dental coverage is an optional benefit under federal guidelines, meaning that states may choose whether or not to include this coverage. If youre eligible for Medicaid, contact your states Medicaid department for more information on whether help with dental costs is available.
To learn about Medicare plans you may be eligible for, you can:
- Contact the Medicare plan directly.
- Contact a licensed insurance agency such as Medicare Consumer Guides parent company, eHealth.
- Or enter your zip code where requested on this page to see quote.
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By age 74, about one in four adults have lost all of their permanent teeth. When a permanent tooth falls out or must be extracted due to injury or decay, a dentist typically recommends replacing it with a dental implant. While traditional Medicare does not cover most basic or prosthodontic care such as dental implants, some Medicare Advantage plans may provide help paying for this service.
Ways To Find Out If Medicare Covers What You Need
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Does Medicare Cover Diabetic Retinopathy
Those with diabetes carry the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy, which is a complication of diabetes that damages blood vessels in the retina and affects vision.
An annual exam for diabetic retinopathy can be covered by Medicare Part B if you have diabetes.
If qualified for any of the above coverage, you will pay 20 percent Part B coinsurance for services and items and the Part B annual deductible applies.
Does Medicare Advantage Cover Dental Care
You may be able to get dental coverage under some Medicare Advantage plans.
Medicare Advantage plans can include extra benefits like routine dental, routine vision, and Medicare prescription drug coverage.
You can check out Medicare Advantage plans in your area by visiting
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What Dental Services Are Covered By Medicare Part B
While there’s no coverage for the regular care, treatment, removal, or replacement of teeth, Medicare Part B dental coverage does cover dental services performed by a physician that are an integral part of another covered procedure. Examples include:
- Oral exams in anticipation of a kidney transplant.
- Extractions done in preparation for radiation treatments involving the jaw.
- Reconstruction of the jaw following an accident.
- Outpatient exams required before an oral surgery.
Because none of these cases are preventative or common dental treatments, it would be beneficial for Medicare beneficiaries to invest in a stand-alone dental plan to help subsidize the cost of receiving the regular dental services that are essential to maintaining oral health. Services such as cleanings, fillings, tooth extractions, dentures, dental plates, and regular dentist visits are not covered by Medicare Part B or Part A.
Dental Crisis In United States
Nearly half of Medicare beneficiaries have no dental insurance at all, and nearly half of all Medicare beneficiaries have not seen a dentist in the last year. Thats worrisome not just for oral health, but also for overall health. Theres a significant link between untreated dental disease and various other systemic ailments, including heart disease and diabetes.
Oral cancer is seven times more likely to be diagnosed in people over age 65, and routine dental check-ups are an excellent means of detecting oral cancer.
About one out of six Americans age 65 or older indicated that they hadnt seen a dentist in the past year due to cost barriers. And more than one in five Medicare beneficiaries have not seen a dentist in the last five years.
About 20% of Americans age 65+ have untreated dental cavities. And about 20% of Americans age 65 and older are missing all of their natural teeth, although there is significant variation in tooth retention based on geographic area, income, and education level seniors in rural areas are especially hard hit by a lack of access to oral health care.
There is no doubt that we have a dental crisis in the U.S. And although the ACA deemed dental coverage for children to be an essential health benefit, theres no requirement that adults have dental coverage, or that insurance carriers provide it .
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